What is your Sacred Communication Style?
Take this quick QUIZ to find out.
Embracing Your
Throw off the masks of others’ expectations so you can live the authentic and fulfilling life you deserve.
Starting with Understanding Your Sacred Communication Style so that you can better articulate what it is you want and, simultaneously, understand your interactions with other Communication Styles.
There are FOUR Sacred Communication Styles. Find out which one is your primary style by taking the QUIZ
“Why is it that no one seems to get, or understand, what I’m trying to say no matter what ‘angle’ I approach the topic from?”
Typical Person
Life School + Life Lesson + Life Purpose
= More Fulfilling Life
Definition of Life Purpose in relation to this website:
Continually embracing curiosity regarding discoveries shared through interactions with others.
It is not as much a destination or goal to achieve but, rather, a journey of self-awareness and be-ing.
STRUGGLES of each Sacred Communication Style
Each Sacred Communication Style has its own struggles. We refer to these struggles as the ‘student path’
Familiarity with the struggles for each Style, allows us to recognize when we are on the Student Path and, therefore, able to choose to intentionally move toward mastery.
Doubting your abilities or fearing you’ll never discover your Life Purpose can make it a daunting task to take action and/or to pursue your passions (especially when those in your circle make fun of, or put down, your passions)
Discovering your Life Purpose will require making at least a few changes in your life. That can feel uncomfortable or even scary. Staying where you are can be perceived easier than disrupting your current routine or relationships.
If you lack clarity about what it is you truly want, it’s easy to struggle with identifying your life purpose. Feeling lost or uncertain can make it difficult to take steps in pursuing your Life Purpose.
Definition of Life Purpose in relation to this website:
Continually embracing curiosity regarding discoveries shared through interactions with others.
It is not as much a destination or goal to achieve but, rather, a journey of self-awareness and be-ing.
Discovering your life purpose can bring a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment to your life. When you’re living in alignment with your values and passions, you feel a greater sense of purpose and meaning.
Pursuing your life purpose can also make you more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. When you’re clear about what you want and why you want it, you’re more likely to stay committed and motivated in the face of adversity.
eeper Connection with Yourself and Others: Discovering your life purpose can also deepen your connection to yourself and others. When you’re living
Susan Crutcher
Helping small business owners and entrepreneurs in the Healing Arts [re]discover their Life Purpose so they can throw away the masks of others’ expectations and begin living a more authentic and fulfilling life.
I’m here to help you on your quest
It’s been a half century quest to discover my
Life Purpose

So began a long, winding, frustrating journey
Starting with a major 7-year setback brain issue as a teen.
It took until 2009 when, after spending literally tens of thousands of dollars in an ongoing quest to discover the key to why I am here on the planet (also know as Life Purpose), finally, I found a predictable and tangible way to determine my life purpose based on a reproduceable scientific model. The results validated what, at many levels, I had known for decades but was unable to put into words. Because of my interpretation of what I thought my life purpose was earlier in life, I spent a great deal of time avoiding it. Thus leading to the long, and winding, journey.
In 2016, I started an intensive one-year certification program which trained me in helping others discover their life purpose.
Another 7-year serious brain injury setback just after committing to the certification program.
Now, seven years later, I feel it is time to share this hard-earned knowledge with you.
How does knowing my Life Purpose matter?
Once you recognize why you are here (Life Purpose) and accept that you do, in fact, have the innate talent and skills, you’ll need to be able to articulate it to others so they understand why it is so important to you.
It can be frustrating, and even painful, to let go of the masks of others’ expectations and follow the call of your soul … particularly if you self-identify with those expectations.
I’m here to guide you on the next steps of your journey … it does not need to be a long, winding or expensive search.
In fact, you can start with this free quiz to discover your Sacred Communication Style.